
February is usually cold and humid, though there are usually warm weather days at some point during the month. Winter visitors are present throughout the month but the thrushes and the buntings follow food sources and will often disappear fordays or weeks.

The month is also good for thrushes and buntings. This is probably the best month for Tristram's Bunting and thrushes are evident throughout the month though their haunts vary. Despite the very cold weather throughout most of the month in 2008 there were relatively few thrushes present. However, a pair of Mugimaki Flycatchers on 18th February, easily seen in the gully between the jogging trail and the banana plantation, proved to be a real highlight. In 2012 a buzzard which showed characteristics of the
vulpinus race sometimes now considered a full species Steppe Buzzard
Buteo vulpinus was present for a few weeks at the lower end of the gully.
Other Animals
Squirrels are often found closer to the jogging trail at this time of year.

Leaf buds emerge on the Chinese Hackberry
Celtis chinensis. Hilo holly
Ardisia crenata is very prominent at this time and occurs on the jogging trail for example. Its bright red berries bring a welcome colour to the woods which are mostly quite drab at this time of year. Hong Kong Hawthorn flowers from the middle of the month and is one of the first signs of spring. Higher up on the ridge walk leading to Golden Hill 金山 the Chinese Bell Flower (otherwise known as Chinese New Year Flower)
Enkianthus quinqueflorus is in bloom in February.
Butterflies and Moths
February is not one of the best months for moths, since it is usually too cold and the moths from the warm dry days of December are now gone.
Other Insects
Interesting insects can still be found even in early February such as the Mallotus Shield Bug
Cantao ocellatus.